If your current credit situation is not as good as it could be you need to be responsible when using credit. While irresponsible spending is not always the cause of bad credit, no matter how you ended up in the situation, the privilege of credit card use should be taken seriously to prevent further debt.
Here are some great tips for responsible credit card use.
Repay you credit card bills on time. This is simple common knowledge but is often overlooked by many credit card users. Document your payment schedule and follow it to the letter. This will not only help you build a solid history of good credit it will save you the stress of worrying about getting your credit card bill paid.
If you have several credit cards look into transferring the balances to one or two that have the lowest interest rates and then get rid of the other credit cards. By limiting the number of credit cards that you own you will not have to worry about juggling a repayment schedule that you cant afford to keep up with. Once you have the balances on your remaining credit card under control then try to limit your purchases to things that you really need.
Refrain from taking out cash advances on your credit card if at all possible. Credit cards most always charge huge interest rates on cash advances so if this is a common practice for you it will certainly drive you further into debt and if you already have bad credit it will only make things worse. If you do need to take out a cash advance on your credit card make sure you will be able to repay it as soon as possible.
Developing responsible spending habits with your credit cards when you have bad credit will help you regain good credit standing and will help you from going further into debt.
Original pictures take http://www.creditmarvel.com/guides/improving-your-credit-score/ site
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