пятница, 19 января 2018 г.

Know more about your credit report

Know more about your credit report

Credit score is the factor that determines your finance. Your credit score can be divided into your credit history, payment history, accounts you owe, type of credit you used and new credit. It depends upon your credit reporting agency that gives proper weight age to all the abovementioned factors. Even if you have some bad credit experiences, you should always plan to have an improved credit in the future.

Necessary things you should know about your credit report

1. Your credit report can be checked by anyone

Many times, when you take a loan, mortgage or other credit anyone can ask for a look at your credit report.

2. All credit reports are not the same

Three main reporting agencies exists namely, Tran Union, Equifax, and Experian but the method of arriving at your credit score in all the three cases could be different. These scores wont vary much but there could be few point variations which means there could be some or no credit risk.

3. Your credit repair is not a lock

If you take some help, it wont hurt your credit score because a less monthly payment on an outstanding debt such an s credit card in case the person who issues it is ready to report the difference in reduction. Also the lender could reward you the full paid bill for not making any defaults.

4. It is not necessary that a credit report is always correct

Since your credit score is a subjective measure of your credit risk, your credit report should be a factual account of your credit history. These reporting agencies can make errors and thus you should have one free report per agency and you can make any dispute over mistakes. You could be truly a credit worthy if you remain on top of your credit report and keep it free from any errors.

5. If you pay your credit bills it will improve your credit score

Paying all your credit bills on time will really make a good credit score of yours but remember that timely payment of six months wont make you free from default of six years. Try to think in the way of your creditor that would it be better to lend to a person you has just started paying his bills on time or the one who has always paid his bills in due time.

6. Never have too less or too more credit cards

Any type of your credit is included into your credit report that makes up your credit score. If you have too many credit cards and you dont make use of them, it will never improve your credit score. In the same way, having too less credit cards will also affect your credit score.

7. Dont make late payments if you have a good credit score

It might sound unfair, but a late payment on a good credit score is worse than a late payment on already bad credit score.

8. Your credit reports are constantly updated

Your credit report is updated with each new piece of information.

9. If the credit agency makes too many inquiries, it can hurt your credit score

Its better that a credit reporting agency doesnt make much of your credit inquires. This is because it may adversely affect your credit score.

10. Credit repair companies usually promise more than what they can do

Many credit repair companies advertise that they can quickly fix your financial problems but it is not true. In more clear terms, a reputed credit repair company can help you out but each and every credit repair may not do what they promise earlier.

Visit our recommended website credit-card-debt-consolidation-guide.info

Original pictures take http://www.youbrewmytea.com/2014/04/6-steps-to-becoming-debt-free-on-any.html site

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